Saturday, July 25, 2009

VACATION, V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!!! VA-CATION, VACATION, VACATION, VACATION!!! Well technically VACATION hasn't started yet but I'm in New Jersey in a hotel that I thought was going to be bad, but it was actually really nice. The rooms are big and it has a flat screen t.v. and best of all complementary breakfast but it wasn't that nice in the car. Aidan brought his BIG Phoebe toy (a large stuffed dog) so the car is not comfortable unless you're as small as Aidan and don't need feet space, I need feet space.
I'm not in Virginia Beach yet, I'm writing this in the hotel room. I'm anticipating a blog about a six hour drive of boredom in our packed car. I'm psychic or maybe I just talked to my dad, whatever!
to be continued...

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