Sunday, July 26, 2009


Six hours of riding in a car and sometimes it was fun. We managed to smile for the camera but I was REALLY SQUEEZED and it was hard to have fun. Half way through the car ride we stopped at a rest area and soon after that we went to a RESTaurant and used the rest room. Thankfully Aidan only had to use the pee bottle while driving two times the whole trip.
WE'RE HERE! WE'RE HERE! We said as we came to the multi-colored condos of Virginia Beach. Sandy Bottoms (our condo) happens to be located in VB (Virginia Beach) and if you keep going straight on an imaginary lane you'll reach muddy butt cheeks, the next town over. So far Aidan, the Muellers, and I have boogie-boarded, got eaten by a sand shark, played the polite contest, and played in pirate bunk beads, PLUS MORE!!

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