Monday, July 27, 2009

I drank 10 glasses of milk yesterday and it tasted really good. It started out that I was just thirsty, but then I went for 10. Today I took a "bike ride of pain" because my front brakes where stuck on so I was pedaling 10 times as fast as everyone, but couldn't keep up. It was really hot and I drank all the water we had brought. I'm sick and had trouble catching my breath so I had to turn back half way and just my mom and I went back early having to walk most of the way. But when we got back to the multicolored condos of VB, we learned that it was a HORRIBLE bike ride fro everyone else. It was not worth going on again. The only high point of the bike ride was that we got to see an otter in its natural habitat. I named it Oscar. In the afternoon, I went mini golfing in the changing quality (hard, hard, soft, pouring, hard, soft going away, last little drizzle) rain. That was fun but wet and we only got a few pictures in the rain from the inside of a plastic cave at the shipwreck mini golf course. When we got to the minigolf place we met King Kong (see pictures).
Tonight we ended the day with a game of apples to apples.

1 comment:

  1. hi connor you miss spelled for but i like your blog ,BrAnDoN
