Tuesday, July 14, 2009



Has sort’ of a ring to it don’t you think?  Well day two means the second day of Winding Trails camp.   I woke up this morning and did a page of summer homework before breakfast.  It was hard but I’m now on Monday of week four of my homework book.  Week three is in the bag!

     On the bus to camp I played I spy with Aidan and mooned all passer bys.  The first thing when I got to camp I remembered it was Hawaiian day.    As soon as I got off the bus the counselors popped a lei around my neck and I got into the Hawaiian spirit!!   

Just in case you were wondering, the bologna sandwich was still there so I got to swim in a different lane.  

                                             -Connor the awesome and great   


  1. Wasn't there a letter from pre-school about not mooning any more?

    So are you going to Harry Potter tonight?

    We enjoy reading your blog every day! Keep up the good work!

    Mary, John and Cole

  2. I'm with Mary. Leave the mooning for profesionals like your father.


  3. YES, JUST WHAT DOES MOONING MEAN NOW. In my day it was something you got arrested for = although I never did. So glad you are enjoying camp. We are planning on going to see the new Harry Potter movie too. We'll have to compare notes.

    Love and God bless, Grammie and Papa
