Thursday, July 16, 2009

Well, I know what you're thinking, you're thinking that I was camper of the day.  Well, you're wrong.  I, in fact, was not camper of the day, Aidan was.  And he got tasty starbursts candy mmmmmmmm.   I think its unfair because I don't even have camper of the day in my group, so no candy, na-da, zero, goose egg, ummmmm something else that means nothing ? Oh yeah NO CANDY!!!!!  Soooooo I'm just going to buck up.  Good job Aidan.
    P.S. It was on and off raining today.  But camp still went on the same way.  We had swimming lessons in the rain, I didn't get any wetter.  Ultimate frisbee didn't change at all but we got wet.    Sometimes I wish nature would just make up its mind. -connor the candyless  


  1. Connor,
    We just came back from the Harry Potter movie. As we sat in the theater we could hear constant thunder and rain outside. Trees down and some people without electricity here in Manchester. Our house is OK. I still think my favorite Harry Potter movie is the first one. We'll have to talk after you see it.
    Love and God bless,
    Grammie and Papa

  2. Congratulations Aidan!! Sorry that you are candyless... but I'm betting you still have some Halloween candy somewhere. :)

    Mary, John and Cole
