Monday, July 13, 2009


O.K. I'll admit that I left you all hanging on my last blog with the pretzels, so I'll let you know that they tasted VERY good.  I hope that Dad and I can make those yummy pretzels again.  Yesterday was a day of NOTHING but sitting around in my pajamas all day just me and cable.  Over all there was nothing worth blogging about. 
Now moving on from the old news to the new news ( its so fun to say that new news, new news).  CAMP...  Actually my CAMP is called Winding Trails CAMP but I'll probably Just call it CAMP when I'm writing about it. At my camp ( I'm going to stop writing camp in capitals)  you do all sorts of fun exciting awesome stuff like volleyball, tennis, archery, ultimate frisbee (which I really like), and last but not least, swimming lessons.  Swimming lessons were GROSS today because I was swimming in the lake through disgusting goo (I mean pine needles) and if that wasn't enough there was a half eaten rotting bologna sandwich.  After swimming with the wild bologna sandwiches I have become a permanent bologna sandwich lover (Save the Sandwiches).   On a positive note, despite the water's grossness, because it was sunny and warm today the lake water was actually warmer then the water at my other indoor swimming lessons.            
                                                          - Connor the great explorer / camper / sandwich saver guy                                                                        

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