Wednesday, July 29, 2009

As you saw in my videos yesterday, I went boogie-boarding ( and crash-boarding) on BIG waves. Then I had lunch at a place that only served beer and smoothies as drinks so I had a smoothie for lunch. My mom has cut me down to only 3 beers a day and I had already exceeded the limit by lunchtime so had to get a strawberry smoothie. (just kidding). Boogie- boarding is the BOMB!!!! It is SO FUN riding on top of waves and any body who has a chance to boogie-board, I highly recommend it. It's a lot like surfing except you catch a lot more waves and you don't have to swim out far. Everybody has boogie boarded including my Mom and Dad, and they all agree with me that it is "the bomb".
This morning I went on a kayaking trip. It was fun and Aidan fell asleep while we were paddling because we had to get up at 6:50 this morning to be ready. I don't think any of us paddled as hard as we could for the whole way because we were all tired. During the kayak trip I learned that the annoying "machine-sound" that I keep hearing is made by a native bird, called the red wing black bird. I hear a lot of them here. I also got a black needle rush plant stalk that I will douse in a fire so it will become hard and it can then work like a sewing needle (just like the native americans did).
-Connor the native american
p.s. tonight I may be going to see fireworks, if it's not too late.

1 comment:

  1. Love the puppy of the day... :) Sounds like you are having a great time! John hates it when he reaches his 3 beer limit by noon as well - but he says strawberry shakes are good too.

    Love - Mary, John and Cole
