Saturday, July 18, 2009


When you read the title of this post you think I'll be writing about Harry Potter well, you're right.  I have been waiting two whole weeks to see this movie!!! I saw it last night at 7:05 in the Odyessy giant screen theater with my family. It was really really really really really good . Here is my movie review. 
  I thought that it was good except that there was more love and drama and a lot less action.  But the action they had in the movie was good.  I really liked when they added the Weasley's house burning down - not that I am a pyromaniac, but I thought it added drama.  But the best part was I got a HUMUNGO JUMBO, FAMILY SIZE, GIANT SKITTLES PACK!!!!
  In fact this movie move was better than the fourth Harry Potter.  In the fourth (The Goblet of Fire) they left out a lot of people and creatures, such as the skrewts.  In this new one, they kept most of the people and creatures and didn't leave out any of the important parts.  The only bad part of the movie was that Fatcat was not with me.
 I give it 4 out of 5 stars!!! Connor the movie critic  

1 comment:

  1. ha ha connor i figued out how to read your blog ha :p oh and i thnk fat cat needs a diet.

    From, brandon
