Friday, July 31, 2009

Wednesday- on Wednesday I went to the real V.B. because our condo is actually in Sandbridge (a small small out of the way part of town). In V.B. there were fish sculptures and a beach and volleyball nets and a store that had nothing over $7.99. I got a volleyball for $7.99. We waited out a horrendiously bad thunderstorm by eating frozen custard and then we went to primo's pizza. The best pizza place in V.B. Then we went back to the condo and went to sleep.

Thursday- In the morning I went to the beach and worked hard trying to protect the parents from high tide by making a water barrier with only skim boards and boogie-boards and lots of sand. We survived the tide and then we all made sand ball. Mine was perfect (see picture). After dinner at Bajas, we came back and watched "the Librarian", a odd but good movie. After that it was dark so we went crabbing! You go on the beach near the water with flashlights and see all the crabs running around the beach. They can run very fast! There were little crabs and big crabs. I was scared and screamed and ran, but that only made for more problems as I almost stepped on them. The trick is to walk slow.
- Connor =)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

As you saw in my videos yesterday, I went boogie-boarding ( and crash-boarding) on BIG waves. Then I had lunch at a place that only served beer and smoothies as drinks so I had a smoothie for lunch. My mom has cut me down to only 3 beers a day and I had already exceeded the limit by lunchtime so had to get a strawberry smoothie. (just kidding). Boogie- boarding is the BOMB!!!! It is SO FUN riding on top of waves and any body who has a chance to boogie-board, I highly recommend it. It's a lot like surfing except you catch a lot more waves and you don't have to swim out far. Everybody has boogie boarded including my Mom and Dad, and they all agree with me that it is "the bomb".
This morning I went on a kayaking trip. It was fun and Aidan fell asleep while we were paddling because we had to get up at 6:50 this morning to be ready. I don't think any of us paddled as hard as we could for the whole way because we were all tired. During the kayak trip I learned that the annoying "machine-sound" that I keep hearing is made by a native bird, called the red wing black bird. I hear a lot of them here. I also got a black needle rush plant stalk that I will douse in a fire so it will become hard and it can then work like a sewing needle (just like the native americans did).
-Connor the native american
p.s. tonight I may be going to see fireworks, if it's not too late.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Connor's too tired to write tonight. He'll blog tommorrow after the kayaking.
video number 2
Test video of boogy boarding. Connor's blog to follow.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sorry but all the pictures didn't get uploaded.

I drank 10 glasses of milk yesterday and it tasted really good. It started out that I was just thirsty, but then I went for 10. Today I took a "bike ride of pain" because my front brakes where stuck on so I was pedaling 10 times as fast as everyone, but couldn't keep up. It was really hot and I drank all the water we had brought. I'm sick and had trouble catching my breath so I had to turn back half way and just my mom and I went back early having to walk most of the way. But when we got back to the multicolored condos of VB, we learned that it was a HORRIBLE bike ride fro everyone else. It was not worth going on again. The only high point of the bike ride was that we got to see an otter in its natural habitat. I named it Oscar. In the afternoon, I went mini golfing in the changing quality (hard, hard, soft, pouring, hard, soft going away, last little drizzle) rain. That was fun but wet and we only got a few pictures in the rain from the inside of a plastic cave at the shipwreck mini golf course. When we got to the minigolf place we met King Kong (see pictures).
Tonight we ended the day with a game of apples to apples.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Six hours of riding in a car and sometimes it was fun. We managed to smile for the camera but I was REALLY SQUEEZED and it was hard to have fun. Half way through the car ride we stopped at a rest area and soon after that we went to a RESTaurant and used the rest room. Thankfully Aidan only had to use the pee bottle while driving two times the whole trip.
WE'RE HERE! WE'RE HERE! We said as we came to the multi-colored condos of Virginia Beach. Sandy Bottoms (our condo) happens to be located in VB (Virginia Beach) and if you keep going straight on an imaginary lane you'll reach muddy butt cheeks, the next town over. So far Aidan, the Muellers, and I have boogie-boarded, got eaten by a sand shark, played the polite contest, and played in pirate bunk beads, PLUS MORE!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

VACATION, V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!!! VA-CATION, VACATION, VACATION, VACATION!!! Well technically VACATION hasn't started yet but I'm in New Jersey in a hotel that I thought was going to be bad, but it was actually really nice. The rooms are big and it has a flat screen t.v. and best of all complementary breakfast but it wasn't that nice in the car. Aidan brought his BIG Phoebe toy (a large stuffed dog) so the car is not comfortable unless you're as small as Aidan and don't need feet space, I need feet space.
I'm not in Virginia Beach yet, I'm writing this in the hotel room. I'm anticipating a blog about a six hour drive of boredom in our packed car. I'm psychic or maybe I just talked to my dad, whatever!
to be continued...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Battle of the boats

Sounds kind of catchy, huh?  The title of this post means that I had boating today at camp and this is what happened...  In the boating pond there are leaches and snapping turtles, but that did not stop my fellow campers from swimming in it.  My boat was about to get  hitch-hiked by the people in the water and over and over people shouted "Get the canoe!!!!" As I paddled and paddled and paddled away only a few people almost tipped the boat, thanks to my awesome paddling powers.  I now consider myself a canoeing pro.
                                                         -Connor the PRO       

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I TYE-DYED UNDERPANTS!!!!!!!!!  Yep’ underpants tye-dyed, only someone as awesome as me would tye-dye underpants.  Some people did shirts and some did shorts, some did socks (of all sorts) but only I tye-dyed underpants.  Nobody else in the ENTIRE CAMP tye-dyed underpants, NOBODY.  The only problem was that everybody kept asking me, “ Why are you tye-dying underpants?”

   During the day I also kept busy with OUTDOOR ADVENTURE a.k.a O.A. In O.A you do cool stuff like rock climbing and tree climbing and today Zip lining.  In order to zip line I had to climb to the top of a 40-foot climbing tower.  Zip lining was so awesome and fun. Who knew I could fly?


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

            Raindrops are falling my head… something something something… You get the idea, ITS RAINING!!!!!!!!!  And it has been rainy all day so my mom took pity on me and I got to skip camp.  At camp in this weather, we would typically spend the day inside watching G rated movies. Ugh!  But then I got invited by my friend Henry Kneidel to go the new Science Museum of Connecticut.  My favorite exhibit was the static electricity orb.  It was so awesome; my hair went crazy whenever I touched it!!!!!!   Who knew you could have so much fun with a belt running over plastic.   We were there for about 3 hours.  Surprisingly it wasn’t that crowded.  I could picture that place super packed.

Camp is still going on but I didn’t go to it today.   I’ll be going to it for the rest of all this week.  On Friday we go to Virginia Beach.  And when I’m there you can expect awesome vacation posts.   

                                               Connor =-)            (it’s a happy face see! =-))

Monday, July 20, 2009


Uh huh lunch.  That's what this post is going to be about, lunch at camp.  Sounds kind of boring, but I'm running out of things to write about with camp all day and me already telling you about it in other posts so, my lunch goes as follows...  the first thing I eat is my plain bagel with cream cheese, then my crunchy, salty pretzels, next comes my milk, then my applesauce.  I eat the same lunch everyday, and it never gets old.  
After you finish eating the edible part of lunch, you have the option of going to the camp store.  The camp store is a small box of a store that sells cool, but overpriced, awesome toys, food, and clothing.  I have bought a hacky sack, a floppy frisbee, a bouncy ball, rubber ducks, and a flexible happy face toy.  I don't go to the camp store everyday but I enjoy it when I am there.  Hope you enjoyed my lunch!  =-)connor             


Sunday, July 19, 2009


6 HOURS OF POKE'MON!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!! To much poke'mon, way to much poke'mon, poke'mon, poke'mon, poke'mon, POKE'MON!!!!! It's getting to my head, TOO MUCH POKE'MON!!! O.K. now that that's over I can explain it to you.  There was a 6 and a half hour poke'mon marathon with never ending poke'mon.  I tried to not watch it but it was on all over the house because Aidan is majorly obsessed and is addicted.  It wasn't the only thing I did all day, I also went and saw my karate school DEMO TEAM perform at the Newington fair (I have decided that I will audition for it).  However, all the rides and games and llamas closed at five (of the clock I learned that o'clock stands for of the clock in my homework book) and we got there at 4:45 of the clock, so I just had to eat fried dough, yum! 
          connor the poke'mon guy   
P.S. happy birthday cole!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


When you read the title of this post you think I'll be writing about Harry Potter well, you're right.  I have been waiting two whole weeks to see this movie!!! I saw it last night at 7:05 in the Odyessy giant screen theater with my family. It was really really really really really good . Here is my movie review. 
  I thought that it was good except that there was more love and drama and a lot less action.  But the action they had in the movie was good.  I really liked when they added the Weasley's house burning down - not that I am a pyromaniac, but I thought it added drama.  But the best part was I got a HUMUNGO JUMBO, FAMILY SIZE, GIANT SKITTLES PACK!!!!
  In fact this movie move was better than the fourth Harry Potter.  In the fourth (The Goblet of Fire) they left out a lot of people and creatures, such as the skrewts.  In this new one, they kept most of the people and creatures and didn't leave out any of the important parts.  The only bad part of the movie was that Fatcat was not with me.
 I give it 4 out of 5 stars!!! Connor the movie critic  

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Well, I know what you're thinking, you're thinking that I was camper of the day.  Well, you're wrong.  I, in fact, was not camper of the day, Aidan was.  And he got tasty starbursts candy mmmmmmmm.   I think its unfair because I don't even have camper of the day in my group, so no candy, na-da, zero, goose egg, ummmmm something else that means nothing ? Oh yeah NO CANDY!!!!!  Soooooo I'm just going to buck up.  Good job Aidan.
    P.S. It was on and off raining today.  But camp still went on the same way.  We had swimming lessons in the rain, I didn't get any wetter.  Ultimate frisbee didn't change at all but we got wet.    Sometimes I wish nature would just make up its mind. -connor the candyless  

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

O.K.  In case you were wondering, all of my blogs (or posts of whatever the heck you want to call them) about camp have been written in the back seat of my family’s light blue hybrid because…  I wake up in the early morning and do a page of summer homework in my summer homework practice book.  Then I go to camp for seven hours of running and jumping and catching and throwing etc. 

But at camp doing all that stuff I get REALLY DIRTY!!! So I have to take a shower the moment I step in the door of my house.  Ginny is even scared of my dirt.   After a quick dinner, I have to go to karate for Aidan’s class and wait, wait, wait, wait.  Then I have to go to my karate class where I run, kick, punch, bing, bang, and boom. On Wednesdays I have stick class (technically it’s called Modern Arnis – it’s based on jukido and Pilipino stick fighting) .    Then we drive home and after that comes sleep.

I am a busy guy on my “vacation”.    I can’t wait for the school year to come so I can relax.


p.s.  Thankfully I did not get arrested for mooning and we're planning on seeing the Harry Potter Movie on Friday.                                                                               

Tuesday, July 14, 2009



Has sort’ of a ring to it don’t you think?  Well day two means the second day of Winding Trails camp.   I woke up this morning and did a page of summer homework before breakfast.  It was hard but I’m now on Monday of week four of my homework book.  Week three is in the bag!

     On the bus to camp I played I spy with Aidan and mooned all passer bys.  The first thing when I got to camp I remembered it was Hawaiian day.    As soon as I got off the bus the counselors popped a lei around my neck and I got into the Hawaiian spirit!!   

Just in case you were wondering, the bologna sandwich was still there so I got to swim in a different lane.  

                                             -Connor the awesome and great   

Monday, July 13, 2009


O.K. I'll admit that I left you all hanging on my last blog with the pretzels, so I'll let you know that they tasted VERY good.  I hope that Dad and I can make those yummy pretzels again.  Yesterday was a day of NOTHING but sitting around in my pajamas all day just me and cable.  Over all there was nothing worth blogging about. 
Now moving on from the old news to the new news ( its so fun to say that new news, new news).  CAMP...  Actually my CAMP is called Winding Trails CAMP but I'll probably Just call it CAMP when I'm writing about it. At my camp ( I'm going to stop writing camp in capitals)  you do all sorts of fun exciting awesome stuff like volleyball, tennis, archery, ultimate frisbee (which I really like), and last but not least, swimming lessons.  Swimming lessons were GROSS today because I was swimming in the lake through disgusting goo (I mean pine needles) and if that wasn't enough there was a half eaten rotting bologna sandwich.  After swimming with the wild bologna sandwiches I have become a permanent bologna sandwich lover (Save the Sandwiches).   On a positive note, despite the water's grossness, because it was sunny and warm today the lake water was actually warmer then the water at my other indoor swimming lessons.            
                                                          - Connor the great explorer / camper / sandwich saver guy                                                                        

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I... Passed ... My... Swimming ... Level!!! It wasn't hard, in fact it was pretty easy. Aidan passed his level too, so now Aidan is in the level I was just in !!! I moved on in to the next
level, Intermediate. It must be hard to pass. But I await the challenge. At the end of the level I got a LOLLYPOP (lollypop, lollypop oooooo lolly lolly lolly...) As if that wasn't enough, we went to Cosi' ( an AWESOME restaurant) and had dinner. I had cheese pizza and for dessert Aidan and I had s'mores which we roasted with a gooey purple thing that was on fire that they brought to our table. My marshmallows caught on fire, but they still tasted good. mmmmm, yum!!! Thankfully no one was hurt in the making of the s'mores.
The next day (today) I had karate and during it I got asked to audition for the DEMO TEAM!!!!! Demo team is a special group of advanced kids that go around at schools and fairs etc. They DEMOnstrate fun balance drills and falls and CRAZY kicks that I've never even heard of!!! Hopefully I can show them my awesome flying side kick. The flying side kick was designed for kicking people that were riding on a horse (so you can imagine how high the kick is supposed to be).
At home today Daddy and I made sourdough pretzels. For the first time I baked, it was a good experience and I will keep it up. It was fun and squishy!!! My favorite part was kneading the dough. It's currently rising in the pot covered by a towel. It's grown so much that it is pushing the towel up. Next we're going to form the dough into delicious pretzels. It smells really good but its not done yet so I 'll tell you how it tastes in my next post (of DOOM!!!!)
- Connor!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

My second to last day of swimming lessons!!! yeah !!!! It was an awesome day of swimming laps and diving.  I swam laps of crawl, backstroke, and elementary backstroke.  For diving I was a little freaked but I did awesome, don't you think?  For laps, I was less freaked out and it turned out I did GREAT in fact Dad even got a picture of Aidan and I swimming together, another point for the scrap book!!  
  Why do they call it a scrap book when your supposed to put GOOD pictures in it not scrappy ones, Go figure!  Anyway I got my prize for week two in my summer homework practice book and this time I was able to get Japanese erasers, YAY!! I got, 3 hamsters, a blue VW bug that can move, a seal, a bowling set, and a bowl of ice cream.  
I also put a small buffalo stuffed animal on a tech deck (a small skateboard that you move with your fingers).  I set up a little skateboard park for the buffalo (a bowl and the railing on the stairs).   We did awesome tricks to end an awesome day.
                                                                   - Connor

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I woke up in the morning , X'd off a day on my "Countdown to vacation" 16 days left until VACATION to Virginia Beach with the Muellers. !!! I did a summer homework practice page and finished my second week only a day after I got my first week prize UGH.  Hopefully for my second week, I can get the hamster Japanese erasers.  We had tennis camp which was inside because of hard rain and hail, but being inside didn't make it any easier because we still have to pick up the same amount of balls.  Next were swimming lessons, then a fun karate class with Aidan(we still have to explain to everyone why he is in that class), after that we came home and went to sleep,  with Fatcat.                                                                                                                                    

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

 I woke up this morning saying "I gotta' do the ten minute swim ".  What is the ten minute swim you ask? Well it's only where I have to swim for TEN MINUTES STRAIGHT WITHOUT TOUCHING A WALL TO PASS MY SWIMMING LEVEL!!!!!!  I was totally calm, no stress, slept very well.  But before my swimming lesson I had to go to tennis camp.  I had to wait an hour for my tennis class to start because Aidan's class came first. UGH.UGH.UGH.  Then my class started (pant, pant, pant, pant...).  It was hard and it was hot out.  
Then it was finally time for me to get my week one homework prize, but sadly Toy Chest was all out of Japanese erasers! (Those cute little take apart erasers I had talked about before).  So I had to get a fat cat toy... its totally AWESOME (picture above)!!!!  After a brief ice cream stop at Ben and Jerry's for a healthy summer lunch, it was time for the ten minute swim (buh buh buh buuuuum...) Surprisingly it was sooooo simple! I did it easily!!!!!  When I got home I snuggled with Fatcat. Ginny seemed jealous but I think she'll get over it.  Mimi was on the couch next to me and I was petting her which made Ginny extra ticked.
                                                                    - Connor (and Fatcat)

Monday, July 6, 2009

                                                                                                                                                                               I woke up in the morning ready to take on the day and summer homework and flash cards and my brother and ...  you get the idea.  First on my list was summer homework (of DOOM!!!).  Then came multiplication and division flash cards, then to make my day better the Kneidels came over and we played basketball and volleyball in the pool(I'm attaching some pictures),  kids verses adults,  though they didn't admit it, we won by 2,000,000 points. To end on a positive note we built a fire and we had sticky but good s'mores but Aidan had to have sm'less.  We played that joke on Aidan and he almost fell for it (get it SOME more as s'more so SOME less, hee hee ) .  At night in bed, I figured out I had a big RASH on my hip , it hurt. Over all it was a good day.      
                                                                               -CONNOR (rules). 


Sunday, July 5, 2009

In the late morning  I went swimming. I used the new volleyball/basketball net(hoop).  It was really fun!  Soon after I went to an outdoor pool party BUT I didn't go swimming.   The outdoor pool did have a diving board so I was tempted.  Not tempted enough to brave the cold water. After the party, as soon as we got out of the driveway, Aidan was SOOOOO THIRSTY that we had to go back and get him a drink so he did not die of thirst on the way home.   Luckily none of us had to get out of the car because of Grammie and  Papa, Thank you!!  Mom had promised Aidan we could go miniature golfing, and we stopped on the way home.  We didn't keep score but with all of his cheating, Aidan probably won.  
 After we got home (and got a proper greeting from our excited dog Ginny) we did summer homework.  And after that we got the pig screen saver away.  We were able to put in the joshua tree picture so mom is happy.  We ended the day with a family movie night.  We watched "The Dragon Hunters".  I had low expectations but it was actually pretty good.
At night I slept well in my rearranged (new and improved) room.   

Friday, July 3, 2009

In the morning I was tired but it did not stop me from going on a bike ride with my Dad and Brandon.  At the end I was tired all over again.  After that I saw "Ice Age #3"(not good).  To end the day I had swimming lessons and I am the  fastest at the "crawl" but I think Cole might beat me.       
                          - Connor

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Today I finished my first week of summer homework and earned my self "Japanese Erasers" (cute and popular animal erasers ) but I will have to wait til' tomorrow (I love ya' tomorrow...) to get them. The weather was rainy ALL DAY!!!!  So we went to "Jump Zone" an indoor bounce house WORLD of fun.  Brandon, Aidan, and I were bouncing like ... like... Bouncing Bozo bunnies!!! UNTIL, Brandon got cut on his toe.  When I got home I tried to put a beautiful picture of a Joshua tree from CA as my mom's screen saver... BUT I ended up putting a HUGE pig picture. I liked it but my mom had different opinions... AND NOW WE CAN'T GET IT OFF!!!!!!!!! Maybe Dad knows how to fix it.                                        
                                                                                    - Connor

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Connor figured out how to save videos on the mac today.  Here's a sample.
p.s.  The cable thing is a fluke.  Now Aidan has found 2 hours of straight pokemon cartoons in the morning.  Deb would try to stop him from watching tv, but she is in the other room eyes-glued to the home and garden network...  Now you know why we only have basic cable here.
BANG!!!!! thats how my day started off with a, BANG!!! Aidan turned on the t.v and was  PSYCHED that we, all of a sudden, had cable  channels (which to him ment  POK`E MON)! We had swimming lessons which ended to late for Aidan to go to karate class which gave him the option to come to MY karate  class for two weeks ,how awesome!! We also got a volleyball net for the pool that can also be used for basketball but we spent more time bouncing the balls around the house.  Connor