Tuesday, July 27, 2010

never a medium day.

My days are always either super busy or stay at my house and do nothing, ESPECIALLY now that it's no screen week. There's been some exceptions like my dad working on the computor or all of my blog posts and if we were good we get to watch an Hour in the morning, so on days that I would have spent watching t.v. Aidan and I play in a GIANT box out in the garage! It originally was for the chair in the new room(which is looking AWESOME). And now it's been a rocket, an ambulance, a submarine and many more!

I also took camp to keep me busy. Vollyball camp was the best camp ever. In the last day we had a full game 4 games to twenty five and a final one to fifteen. My team won the first with ending scores of twenty to twenty five. We won the second game really closely 23 to 25. The third game they creamed us by scoring 10 with the first server, the final score being 25 to 15. The third game we lost by just a little 22 to 25. We started the final game and we end up being very close, 24 on them 23 0n us. Then I bumped their serve back to them and they missed, making the score 24 to 24. Vollyball is won by two so we go into a duece. They win advantage. They score the next point 25 to 25 now the first one to 27 wins. We win the advantage. 25 to 26. Then we serve. The girl looks ready to bump it, she hits it! But it doesn't go over!!! Everyone on the team charges to get that ball and they all miss. VICTORY!!!!! I did my best to try and capture the intensity of it all. Vollyball is one of my favorite sports.


  1. You sound like a news broadcaster. Those must have been exciting games. Hope to see you Friday before you go south. I want to see that new haircut too. Hope you have everything ready for vacation. You always have such a wonderful time. See you Friday.
    Love and God bless,

  2. Very impressive play by play action from the volleyball matches. From the sounds of things you don't really have any slow days. Seems like you have been on the go since Summer Vacation started. Have a great trip and send lots of pictures from Virginia Beach!
