Sunday, July 25, 2010

hair cuts and kung-fu and hamsters OH MY

Yesterday (Saturday July 24) I finally got a hair cut!!!! I like my hair long, but it became ANNOYING. Always getting in my eyes and it was a pain to comb, plus I stopped liking the way it looked. Now it is a little shorter than perfect but it will grow out the way I want it to look. Plus shorter hair is better for swimming which I will be doing a lot of in VA beach, which I am totally pysched for. We are leaving on Friday.

If you read the tittle you're probably wondering where I got the kung-fu hamsters from. Aidan and I are able to get a prize when we finish a certain amount of summer homework. We got zhuzhu pet hamster ninjas!! I named mine Ashitaka after the main character in one of my favorite movies, Princess Mononoke, if you haven't seen the movie, SEE IT!!! Aidan also got one, he named it Zuko after the guy from Avatar the Last Airbender the T.V. show. It's fun to watch them battle. Mimi (our cat) watches too. I have a video but my dad is at work and I don't know how to put it up. I will post it later.


1 comment:

  1. Post a picture of your new haircut!!

    - Mary, John and Cole
