Sunday, August 30, 2009

" Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Mayer weiner, that is what I really want to be. 'Cause if I was an Oscar Mayer weiner, then everyone would be in love with me"

Final Day of my Summer blog:

Last night I had the Muellers over. We had a lot of fun and games. The kid versus adult volleyball game turned out to be great but the score remains unknown. Over all it was really great to have the Muellers over for our almost end of the summer. We hadn’t seen them since we got back from Virginia beach.

In my prior posts I said that OMWM was coming soon. Well, OMWM is the Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile. I SAW IT TODAY!!!!!!! IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!! I have a lot o’ pictures to show every one how AWESOME it was. It is a really BIG hot dog shaped car that was colored and looks like a hot dog. When you were there, you got to decorate a magnetic hot dog with magnet toppings and then get your picture taken with your hot dog next to the OMWM. Then the two weenie ambassador girls (or whatever their official title was) gave you a wiener shaped whistle. I love MY WIENER WHISTLE!!!!!

Since I got it, I have been blowing my Weiner whistle SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! It was the “dog days of summer” weekend at the Mystic Seaport in Mystic Connecticut. There were a lot of dogs and a lot of kids running around with high-pitched whistles. I’m not allowed to use it in the car ride back (because it is too high pitched in a confined space according to my Dad) which is when I’m writing the blog. But I’ll just have to wait until I get home to blow it. Boo- hoo.

I got to see the boat that my friend Henry slept on when he was in sailing camp this summer. I also saw a LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT of Newfoundlands. They were rescuing people from the water (it was all a gimmick but their slobber was real). We also saw a cute little fuzzy puppy that’s called a cardigan corgi. We’re going to look up more information in it on google later.

I’d like to thank people for reading my blog and giving me good and interesting comments. This is my last post because school starts tomorrow and during the school year I’m really busy as opposed to how much free time I had in the summer… As much as I complained about it sometimes, I’m glad I did this blog, my summer blog. We'll see about next summer...



  1. Ok. That is pretty darn cool. What is the Wiener Mobile like inside? Is it big? I have always wanted to see the Wiener Mobile in person. You guys are very lucky.

    Good luck at school this week!

    BTW, are you going to keep the blog going during the school year? We would love to keep getting updates!

  2. This was the best blog ever. You were really busy all summer and I am glad I was able to follow your adventures.

    Study hard but don't forget to have fun.

    Love, Aunt Jeannie

  3. Thank you so much for your summer blog. It was such fun to see what fun you were having. Enjoy school this year. Perhaps next summer you can train your Aptera Jr. to come when you blow your Oscar Mayer whistle!!! Thanks again for sharing your summer.
    Love and God bless,
    Grammie and Papa
