Sunday, August 9, 2009


We had trouble with internet access so we're combining a few days here.

Thursday: On Thursday we went on a duckboat tour on a bus that drove into the Portland Harbor (Hah-Bah). It was half bus/half boat. It was awesome! We also drove the dingy(Moon-Bubbles) around the hah-bah. To end the day we had flat bread pizza on the boat.

Friday: On Friday we took moon bubbles (the dingy) to Fort Gorges, it was dark and freaky and awesome and cool and... We went really deep inside and we found a HUMONGOUS train station size room for holding gunpowder. It was so dark in the fort that you needed a flash light and even with it it was still WICKED DARK. Fort Gorges is a civil war fort on an island in the Portland harbor.

Saturday: In the morning we packed the car with ALL of our stuff. Then we went to see my cousins Abby and Griffin. We went to Portland Head Light park and rolled down a hill a lot of times. It was fun. Then we went for dinner with a GREAT view of the ocean. Then we drove home. Everybody was happy to see us. Ginny was very happy to see us. It's not often some one is so happy to see you that you get sat on.

- Connor :)

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