Saturday, August 15, 2009

I have some pictures of our newly painted house that I should have put in my last post but hey, they look the same on this post. It's almost done!!
During the day today I got heat rash because it was, 93 DEGREES OUT!!!!!! Plus today I was in my karate gee ALL DAY, JUMPING IN A BOUNCE HOUSE! To get heat rash you need heat, sweat and friction from fabric. Soooooooooo to get rid of my heat rash ( you saw this coming right?) I used, Anti Monkey Butt Power!! It really worked! I didn't expect it to work but it really worked!!! My heat rash no longer itches and I DO NOT have a monkey butt. By the way I had heat rash on both my upper arms and both my ham strings NOT my butt.
Ponyo is a movie. In fact it is the newest Hayao Miyazaki film. My dad is ADDICTED to Hayao Miyazaki's films so the first day it was out my family went to the movie theaters to see Ponyo. It was really good, strange, and odd but all the same really good. There's a part at the beginning where the main character gets cut and it doesn't seem like a big thing but it plays a huge roll in the WHOLE MOVIE! Even Grammie came and liked it. Papa missed out.

1 comment:

  1. Connor, Sorry you needed Monkey butt powder, perhaps you should ask Papa to paint you. I'll bet you would look as great as your house! I did enjoy "Ponyo" too. Hope you are doing better with the heat.

    Love and God bless,
