Sunday, August 30, 2009

" Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Mayer weiner, that is what I really want to be. 'Cause if I was an Oscar Mayer weiner, then everyone would be in love with me"

Final Day of my Summer blog:

Last night I had the Muellers over. We had a lot of fun and games. The kid versus adult volleyball game turned out to be great but the score remains unknown. Over all it was really great to have the Muellers over for our almost end of the summer. We hadn’t seen them since we got back from Virginia beach.

In my prior posts I said that OMWM was coming soon. Well, OMWM is the Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile. I SAW IT TODAY!!!!!!! IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!! I have a lot o’ pictures to show every one how AWESOME it was. It is a really BIG hot dog shaped car that was colored and looks like a hot dog. When you were there, you got to decorate a magnetic hot dog with magnet toppings and then get your picture taken with your hot dog next to the OMWM. Then the two weenie ambassador girls (or whatever their official title was) gave you a wiener shaped whistle. I love MY WIENER WHISTLE!!!!!

Since I got it, I have been blowing my Weiner whistle SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! It was the “dog days of summer” weekend at the Mystic Seaport in Mystic Connecticut. There were a lot of dogs and a lot of kids running around with high-pitched whistles. I’m not allowed to use it in the car ride back (because it is too high pitched in a confined space according to my Dad) which is when I’m writing the blog. But I’ll just have to wait until I get home to blow it. Boo- hoo.

I got to see the boat that my friend Henry slept on when he was in sailing camp this summer. I also saw a LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT of Newfoundlands. They were rescuing people from the water (it was all a gimmick but their slobber was real). We also saw a cute little fuzzy puppy that’s called a cardigan corgi. We’re going to look up more information in it on google later.

I’d like to thank people for reading my blog and giving me good and interesting comments. This is my last post because school starts tomorrow and during the school year I’m really busy as opposed to how much free time I had in the summer… As much as I complained about it sometimes, I’m glad I did this blog, my summer blog. We'll see about next summer...


Saturday, August 29, 2009

So do you like my robot? I have two names for it. One is Aptera Jr. the other is Rob-Ot. Which name do you like better? As you saw in my video it runs around in a circle and hits walls. As soon as I brought it in the house I fixed every single problem with it. I let it roam around then Ginny insisted that she smell the robot's "butt". I'm proud of my rob-ot. It was really hard work. It required a lot of elbow grease. Last night I had a black belt class at my karate school. Today there was only two people at my karate class. It was still a really good class.
P.S. OMWM is still coming!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sorry for the delay but I've sort of been giving up on the blog because school starts on Monday. We've started doing flash cards at night during Aidan's karate class so I'll be ready for any possible math test on the first day of school. I am prepared. Oh Yeah. I'm prepared.
It's hard to say it, but I'm busy again Robot camp is going great though!!!! I now have most of my robot because I have the body, front and back axles, and mother board connected in one big piece. It's hard to describe the robot so I'll tape a video of it driving around so that you can see it. My robot is purple and really aerodynamic. It has one front wheel and two back wheels. It looks a lot like an aptera (for those of you who know what an aptera is). It's pretty cool. I'll give you close up pictures and a video. There's a sensor in the front rubber part of the robot. It senses when it touches something or hears a loud noise so that it will turn around. I think you need to see the video. Tomorrow is the last day. All we do is gear adjustments then we just play around. Too bad the summer is almost over.
p.s. Up next the OMWM (You'll find out what this means in a future post)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Today I finished my summer home work practice book. WHO-HO!!!!! To celebrate I went Cosi. Cosi is a restaurant that has really good food. I was really tired so I didn't go to karate. I'll write my blog in the morning when "YAWN" I'm not tired. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Last night I went swimming. I did lots of flips in the pool. It was really fun. My Mom watched me do it and bet that my Dad could not do it at all. My Dad bet he could if he tried. My Mom dared him to do what I did. Then he did it. He was really good, of course he landed in a backwards belly flop. Ouch. Mom was really impressed with my Dad.
Today I had robot camp. My friend Henry is in the same camp. At robot camp there are 2 instructors, Rocky and Dr. Crazy (at least that is what she called herself.) We didn't actually start building the robot today, until the very end of class, and all we built was the front axle. It was fairly simple. By the end of the week I will have a robot to bring home and rub in Aidan's face. Aidan is in soccer camp and today he got a soccer ball. I personally think a robot is better than a soccer ball.
- Connor
P.S. We have been to 9 states so far this year. CT, ME, NH, RI, VI, CA, CO, IL, NJ

Sunday, August 23, 2009


On Friday, Brandon came over on the last day before he went to Cape Cod. We stayed out in the rain and watched a storm start. We were under a umbrella but we got wet when it blew back and turned inside out. Because we were already wet we ran around. Later in the day my Grandpa Wood, Chris and Aunt Dianne came over.
My relatives were here because they were going to my mother's cousin's wedding in New York. I woke up at 8:30 and had 40 minutes to get ready for my family to leave. Then I went to karate. Papa picked me up and we went to my grandparents house and had a PARTY. After the party we went to bed in the camper.
The camper is a 1973 V.W. Westfelia camper that my dad used to sleep in when he was going cross country and he was my age. I slept in the top bunk/cot. It felt really good to sleep in that bunk. We were lucky that it didn't rain and that there were no bugs. Aidan and Grammie slept in the bottom bed. There were even fire works.
I woke up in the morning, went to church, came back and then went home and did my blog.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

On Rhode Island the second day, we went on the Misquamakit beach water slides. It was awesome. On the Misquamakit beach water slides you get a mat to ride on, then they just let you go free and ride whatever ride you want. They have one really little slide, three in the middle fun rides and two really big awesome slides, they’re all fun. We rode on the flying horse carousel and I caught the brass ring. I won a free ride.

Other fun things we did in Rhode Island include, going kayaking standing up on the end of the kayak. Mom was paddling, Aidan was laying on the front, and I was standing up on the back. We were quite a sight. We made a single person kayak into a 3 person kayak. I only fell over board once and that one time Aidan said HA- HA! You fell off! I’d like to see him try not to fall off. Next day he tried standing also (he fell off more than once – it’s not easy).

We also did clamming. When we were clamming we found razor clams. Razor clams dig really fast so we had a race. The winner was clam A. In second clam D, and in third was clam B. Then we kayaked back to the cottage. I took one round on the toy-ish real-ish motorcycle. See the pictures!

Then we left and drove all the way home. It was better than the ride to Virginia Beach because Aidan slept most of the way. Tonight I’m going back into my regular round of things and doing karate.

As soon as we got home, we realized that Dad had written phrases on the driveway in chalk. They were “welcome home”, “Connor is great”, “Aidan is awesome”, and “Deb is hot”. Then when we went inside we got a proper greeting from Ginny. Next we realized that Dad got Mom 2 boxes of Good and Plentys, “get passionate” tea and a dozen roses. He also got us the sequel to the Librarian, a movie that we had seen in Virginia Beach. Thanks so much Dad!

I’m now back at home, home sweet home.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

first day

I'M IN RHODE ISLAND!!! But first I had to drive here, too much driving in the last month. I'm in Rhode Island because I was invited by my neighbors who have a beach house, when I got there I was greeted by my 4 year old friend Livy. We ran out to the dock and caught lots of guppies. Owen, Livy's 7 year old brother, got mad at us for dumping the bucket and letting the guppies go away. We left my Dad at home working. Hi dad miss you!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I have some pictures of our newly painted house that I should have put in my last post but hey, they look the same on this post. It's almost done!!
During the day today I got heat rash because it was, 93 DEGREES OUT!!!!!! Plus today I was in my karate gee ALL DAY, JUMPING IN A BOUNCE HOUSE! To get heat rash you need heat, sweat and friction from fabric. Soooooooooo to get rid of my heat rash ( you saw this coming right?) I used, Anti Monkey Butt Power!! It really worked! I didn't expect it to work but it really worked!!! My heat rash no longer itches and I DO NOT have a monkey butt. By the way I had heat rash on both my upper arms and both my ham strings NOT my butt.
Ponyo is a movie. In fact it is the newest Hayao Miyazaki film. My dad is ADDICTED to Hayao Miyazaki's films so the first day it was out my family went to the movie theaters to see Ponyo. It was really good, strange, and odd but all the same really good. There's a part at the beginning where the main character gets cut and it doesn't seem like a big thing but it plays a huge roll in the WHOLE MOVIE! Even Grammie came and liked it. Papa missed out.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The house is being painted a brownish- grayish color, ish. Papa is one of the painters. It's really nice to see papa almost EVERY DAY though it's kind' a' weird. I am not used to the color yet but it still looks good. It's in a good looking stage right now and it looks WAY BETTER than when it was in it's SPOT primer stage emphasis on SPOT.
I've been on vacation SO LONG that I had to go back to school. Not really SCHOOL but to the school out side. O.K. I just went to the school playground and ran around. but that counts, sort of.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I’ve been back from vacation for a few days and it’s been difficult switching from BIG topics that I’ve never done before to every day stuff but it’s REALLY good to be back. It’s SO awesome being back; I can play with my friends all the time now. Being back I’m able to go back to karate it’s SO awesome. I even got to set up my own karate drill (lately the instructors have been asking the higher ranked students to contribute in class), in it we jumped over pads and then jumped a higher pad, then you did a diving roll out and got up and went in line to go again.

The only bad thing about being back is that Aidan and I are getting on each other’s nerves and driving my mom CRAZY. Over all it’s good to be back

“There’s no place like home!” -Connor

Monday, August 10, 2009

Walking with dinosaurs

Walking with dinosaurs was OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!!! Well, if you don't know what walking with dinosaurs is, I'll tell you. The dinos in walking with dinosaurs are robo puppets with flexible skin like fabric. The tallest dino in the show was over 60 FEET TALL!! wow, big!, big!!, BIG!!!!!!!! The larger dinos were robo-puppets that have a stick sticking out from under them that has a long rectangular compartment and in there is a guy controlling the dino from inside the compartment. The small ones were people in cool dino costumes.
During the show they went through ALL OF THE PERIODS IN TIME WITH DINOSAURS IN IT!!!!! My favorite dino was ankylosaurus, which in latin that means fused lizard. Ankylosaurus is in the first picture, he is really bony and has a lot of spicks and NOT a big head.
Today I did nothing but hang out and play around the house. A lazy summer day...

Sunday, August 9, 2009


We had trouble with internet access so we're combining a few days here.

Thursday: On Thursday we went on a duckboat tour on a bus that drove into the Portland Harbor (Hah-Bah). It was half bus/half boat. It was awesome! We also drove the dingy(Moon-Bubbles) around the hah-bah. To end the day we had flat bread pizza on the boat.

Friday: On Friday we took moon bubbles (the dingy) to Fort Gorges, it was dark and freaky and awesome and cool and... We went really deep inside and we found a HUMONGOUS train station size room for holding gunpowder. It was so dark in the fort that you needed a flash light and even with it it was still WICKED DARK. Fort Gorges is a civil war fort on an island in the Portland harbor.

Saturday: In the morning we packed the car with ALL of our stuff. Then we went to see my cousins Abby and Griffin. We went to Portland Head Light park and rolled down a hill a lot of times. It was fun. Then we went for dinner with a GREAT view of the ocean. Then we drove home. Everybody was happy to see us. Ginny was very happy to see us. It's not often some one is so happy to see you that you get sat on.

- Connor :)