Tuesday, August 31, 2010

End of Summer

As many of you may know, today is the last day of summer. Tomorrow I start school at a new school, Kingswood-Oxford. Today we had to make the last day of summer one of the best days of summer ever. In the morning, with my dad's help, we repaired and rebuilt the lean-to in an island of mulch in the front yard that we have made into an imaginary fort. We call it Dig Island (because it was the only spot in the yard that mom would allow us to dig in.) We made a lean-to there last fall, and over last winter a lot of the smaller sticks fell off, leaving us with a low ceiling and tattered framework. Today we rebuilt and expanded the lean-to in a "modern" newly refurbished style. It is now more circular in shape, and much wider than it was. The ceiling is higher so Aidan can stand up in most of it. We made "dig" a lot better.
We also went mini-golfing. But we all seemed to be evenly matched. It was very hot and we were all very excited whenever we got to one of the holes in the shade. Aidan scored one hole in one. Dad also scored a hole in one. We all had a very fun time mini golfing and at the end we were rewarded with very cold ice cream. I got peppermint, it's my new favorite flavor. Despite the ice cream we were still hot and sweaty so when we got back we were all very excited to take a dip in the pool.
Brandon and I (with the help of my dad) have been working on a human powered car. One person does the steering, one person gets a back rest and does the brakes. The human powered part comes from the person doing the pushing in the back. We found two steering defects on the testing today and it was kind of hard to control without brakes. Soon we should be able to ride it and send more pictures (once we get brakes).
Aidan also got a pair of pet frogs. He completed his summer homework book and the reward was the pet frogs he's been waiting for for the last month. He let me name one of them. I named it frederick, because he wouldn't stand for Hamilton, MacBeth, or Josephine (if it was a girl). In the end he chose Frederick and Cassie. Speaking of Aidan, next summer he is thinking about writing his own blog, or maybe keeping a journal. I much prefer the blog idea. I'm very glad I did mine, despite my dad's constant, "DID YOU DO YOUR BLOG YET!?" I hope I'll be able to continue it next summer. Until then, have a great year and study hard.

1 comment:

  1. Connor you have done a wonderful job with your summer blog. Have you thought of doing a short one over the school year? You always have some new thought that I find interesting and often exciting! Please think about it.
    Love and God bless,
    Grammie and Papa
