Tuesday, January 18, 2011

important happenings

O.K. so I know it's not summer and the blog is titled Connor's SUMMER blog but I thought that it would be nice if I informed you all of what is going on in my school year (plus I have a snow day today and I'm really bored.). So my plan is basically to sum up four and a half moths in a few paragraphs. hope it go's well.

september/ october, a new start at a new school. the special class for this quarter (half of a semester) is writing tech. A course were you do all kind of computer stuff. it was okay towards the end but at the beginning of the course I found it kind of boring, re-learning the functions of Microsoft word. So I got to do a lot of typing activities when I finished my work. Now I don't know my real typing speed but I know that my blog is coming a lot faster than I remember. Thank you writing tech!
I liked the rest of the moth and it went really smoothly with all of my classes going good (especially latin) and sports block especially. the sport I chose for the 2 months of this quarter and a little bit after was cross county. the hardest and least done sport. At the beginning I broke into a huge sweat after I ran a mile but after a vigorous process I can know run three miles relatively easily. a humungous improvement. And then just like that it was over... and the next quarter began.

Quarter 2, cross county still was going on for a little bit longer but soon I was going to start swimming and art. art is really, really fun. I got to do a lot of projects with things like the press and ink, oil paint, charcoal, pastels, and even drawing with our eyes closed! art is really fun to bad it's over now.
the next new thing about this quarter is a new sport, lap swimming. I think it's pretty fun, and I got to learn how to do new stuff, like flip turns. I still haven't had one single meet so I can't tell you what there like.

extra cool stuff that I thought you should know, I am in the jazz band as well as the regular band and I have all-ready had a performance for both. I had a solo in one of the jazz band songs called girl from impanena.

my dad and I built a giant snow castle in the front yard with turrets and a tunnel entrance.

Okay so I know most (or all) of you won't be reading this post until it actually is summer so I fell that the blog has stayed true to it's name, a little bit. more to come in the summer


1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha Connor -we read your post and it's January... :)

    Thanks for the updat!!
