Wednesday, June 15, 2011

back to the blog

Hello and welcome back followers of my (connor O'loughlin) summer blog. the key word in that sentence being "summer". yes, it is finally hear. the school year is over! it's now a time for summer camps, red socks hats, and bathing suits. though, in the opinion of some people like my brother, summer does not began until friday of this week. as you can imagine he's not to thrilled with that, and frankly I'm not to thrilled with it either. spending all day at home in front of a television screen watching re-runs is not nearly as fun as running around with aidan. but I guess it's not all bad, I got a jump star on my summer reading. the first required book I read was the outsiders (stay gold ponyboy, stay gold) I finished it in 2 days. a great book, kinda sad ending, and great plot. now I'm reading the witch of black bird (blackbird?) pond. so far so good plus it's my moms favorite book. after that I plan to red these other required books,(the outsiders), lyddie, and before we were free. I'm also reading one school related free book, (the witch of black bird pond), the killer angles. I'm am also reading 2 completely unrelated books because I think there good, the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, and the rangers apprentice burning bridge. so my reading for the summer is JAM-PACKED. witch I personally think is a good thing. I'll try my best to keep you guys updated with my summer activities.

~ Connor

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