Sunday, August 22, 2010


My dad entered the dragon boat contest at the Hartford Asian Festival with his team of Jefferson employees. We were excited to see my dad race in a long narrow boat with twenty rowers, one drummer at the front sitting on the tiniest chair, a steerer in the back and a foam dragon head and tail at the front and back! He had a background of canoeing skills but the paddling was different and it was all about synchronization. In the first round, he had a bad drummer who was drumming and counting at different times!! He had a lot of strength so he got under 3 minutes!!

The Muellers came to watch my Dad race. It was nice to see them after Virginia Beach and we hope to have a Mueller sleepover soon. We also ran into Grammie and Papa. It was very good to see them. We had missed them after all of our vacations.

In the next round he had switched drummers and did really well!! The only down side was his name was not very creative and the shirt was just their name, the Jefferson radiators. Though they did have cool white hats that made them stand out from everyone else. It helps you spot them in the pictures. I think they should have have put a dragon X-ray on the back and had a more clever name.

In the end, my dad ended up winning second place in one race, third place in one race, and fourth place in one race and having a fun time. I had a great day and enjoyed watching him.

At the Asian Festival, they also had booths. I enjoyed seeing some of them. I painted chopsticks at one booth. I made an origami cup at another. I tried to make a bird but it was too complicated. They had a karate demo going on, but it wasn't very good. I'm going to tell my Sifu (my karate teacher) that we should do a demo there next year.


1 comment:

  1. Connor, it was great fun to see your dad in the dragon boat races. It was so good to spend time with all your family and the Mueller's. It always makes me happy to realize that there are such wonderful people in the world. Thank you for being one of them! Enjoy your final week before school.
    Love and God bless,
    Grammie and Papa
