Saturday, August 28, 2010

cup cake truck, ice cream, and sand?

On Thursday, I went to the cupcake truck with the Kneidels. For all of you who don't know a cupcake truck is like a ice cream truck but it gives out cupcakes. I was all excited about getting a delicious cupcake, but when I got there they only had DISGUSTING flavors! No plain or vanilla! the only flavors were chocolate, mocha and carrot. But next to the cupcake truck, they had a fruit truck that sold, you guessed it, fruit! So I asked my mom and she grudgingly let me have fruit over cupcakes. Aidan did not like his frosting, so I got to use it as dip for my strawberries.

That night I went to my Ice Cream Social at my new school, Kingswood-Oxford, where I met my school advisor, Mr. Harper Follensbee and my school advisee group, full of people soon to be my friends. Mr. Follensbee was really fun and sarcastic and said that he has been known to do somersaults and cartwheels in the classroom, not to mention that he roars some mornings when entering the classroom to see who might hide under their desks. I got a t-shirt made by my senior advisors (Mr. Follensbee's helpers) it says the FollensBee's and has a picture of a bee on it. I like my advisee group and my advisors and I can't wait for school to start. Mr. Follensbee is also my new English teacher, he reminds me of Mr. Gallagher, my fourth grade teacher who told me to start this blog. I'll have something to show on my first day now.

On Friday, I got to go to the beach at Winding Trails, where I built a sand sculpture. It was a penguin on a surf board. I thought it was pretty good, for my standards. But then we saw the ginormous 15 ft tall sculpture that was built by the World Record Holder for the largest sand castle. It turns out he is attempting to break his previous record and build a sand castle more than 31 feet tall. His 15ft one was really well detailed and sculpted with dragons, gargoyles, and a drawbridge moat that a cat could fit in, mine paled in comparison.

Today (Saturday) I got balsa wood to whittle into something. I shall post before and after pictures and tell you how it is going. I hope to be able to post pictures of my creation soon. For my birthday this year I got a Swiss army knife from Grandpa Wood, this inspired me to want to whittle. I also got to see Grammie and Papa today. We played the board game Clue, except for Papa who had to go back to work after lunch.


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