Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Promotion Night

At my karate school, belt tests are called promotion nights. This month I was on the promotion night board, which means that I would be tested to rank up. I was all worried about promotion night. I was nervous that I wouldn't get my stripe(not belt, stripe. I have one more stripe before I get my adult brown belt.) I kept fretting and fretting and when I got there it wasn't that hard, in fact it was pretty easy. We just ran through everything. For example, we did Chinese Form Five, Nahatchen Two and some of my techniques. In the end they made us shut our eyes while they came around and put tape on my belt. In the end I passed and I got to adult blue belt.



  1. Congratulations on the new stripe!! What a great way to end the summer.

    Love - Mary, John and Cole

  2. Connor, you always make us so proud. You make us feel so hopeful about the future. Thank you and congratulations!!
    Love and God bless,
    Grammie and Papa
