Saturday, July 16, 2011

portland sea dogs game

Hey I'm back those of you that are reading this blog. Today I'm going to be posting about the Portland Seadogs baseball team (they feed into the Red Sox, my favorite team!) game that I went to on my last day in Maine with Grandpa and Chris (I know I'm home now sorry!). We got seats up near the home run area but no balls came to us. It was a good game to watch even though the Seadogs lost, because the team they were facing was the ROCKCATS! For those of you that don't know, the Rockcats are our home team from Connecticut (even though feed into the Minnesota Twins) so it was bad and good. At the end it was really close 5 to 4.
The high point of the game was during the 5th inning. My dad paid a message board guy to send up the message "DEB, I LOVE YOU! - MIKE KISS ME!" and it ran over and over and over again for the entire 5th inning (see the picture). Mom was completely surprised, though willing to kiss Dad every time it came up.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Connor!

    We are in Iowa as you know. I forgot your blog address so thank your Dad for sending it again. I will give the address to Nic and Devin.

    It is very hot here. Yesterday it got to 97 degrees. After supper we took everyone to the local water park. When we left at 8:30 it was 89 degrees. We were happy to get back to the air conditioning at their house.

    You will not believe how tall Nic is. He is very close to Jim in height. Everyone sends our best. We were very happy to read about your Mom's message on the sign. Your Dad is the best.

    Take care,

