Sunday, July 17, 2011

demo and trumpet

This is probably the first or second post of mine that you are reading this year ( I'll tell my dad to send the reminder email earlier next year). So for those of you who don't know I just got back from Maine where I visited Acadia National Park. The other thing that most people don't know is that my Dad bought me a new (technically used but new to me and in fantastic condition) 1983 Bach Stradivarius model 37 silver plated trumpet with a rare first valve trigger and a very weird but cool case. Most of you are probably wondering what half of that stuff means so I'll tell you. A first valve trigger is a little lever I can push on that makes my first valve come out (picture below) to lower the pitch a quarter step. Silver plated just means it's silver and looks really cool.
first valve trigger OH YEAH!
heres the trumpet plus the case
the case has a cool storing area
the case when it's closed. There's a trick to unlock and re-lock it
the other thing that happened was the karate demo. It was great but REALLY HOT. My two best things I did were "the edge" ( a sword kata) and the arnis sticks both in my last video post
Aidans flying side kick
my three directional kick
universal 3 face to face
Aidans split kick
the bow form
a fight that I led
my flying side kick

I will continue posting on my blog and I hope that you will read this. So far it's been a summer to remember. Looking forward to my cousins coming to visit next week.



  1. Dear Connor,
    We (Devin, Ian,Nic,Grammy, andPapa) can't wait to see you next week too! Hope you are feeling better.
    P.s. we like the trumpet.

  2. Connor,

    The karate pictures are great. Grammie and I saw the Demo Team at the Rockcats' baseball game. Both you and Aidan are getting better and better. We are very proud of both of you and what you have accomplished in karate school.

    I hope you are taking your medicine and feeling better.

    Yesterday it hit 100 degrees in the afternoon. It reminds us of Florida. You do any outside activities in the morning before 11:00 AM, then spent the rest of the day indoors where it is air conditioned. The dew point is near 80 percent most days. Even at 8:30PM last evening it was 91 degrees. I understand you are getting this heat on Thursday.

    Jim & Julie are leaving tomorrow for Ireland. We will be leaving for Connecticut on Thursday. We are looking forward to seeing you very soon now.

    Thanks for the great blog.

