Tuesday, August 30, 2011

End of summer blog post

O.K. first of all I'd like to apologize for not posting in weeks. I have a lot of things to blog about since V.B the worst of them being that I got a palate expander - a stupid piece of metal stuck in my mouth that I had to wind with a wrench. I don't have to wind any more but it's still in my mouth.

I also had two weeks of swimming lessons which were surprisingly easy because I did swim team at school. I learned the butterfly and got better with all my strokes and passed all of the lessons. Next year I am doing Jr. lifesaving.

My dad competed in the dragon boat races for his work team the "Jefferson Radiators" and did O.K. considering they were up against club teams.

We went to see our neighbors summer home up in Rhode Island it was fun and Aidan really missed Owen for the whole summer and it was nice to see the family again. We went out on their boat a few times and did water slides.

As many of you know there was a hurricane that swept the east coast of America and we were hit by it. We were not harmed in any way at all. A few of our neighbors don't have power and we've been helping them out a little bit, to us it was just a big rain storm. We stayed inside and there was no problem. I spent most of the hurricane working on my boat.

As a few of you know, I have been building a "Fairwind 900" RC sail boat in the basement with my dad. We painted it and now we have the radio controls running and are almost done with it. I am going to call it "Tranquility". The RC only adjusts the rudder and the boom so it has to be a windy day for it to work. I am building this so I'll be ready to go sailing with my grandfather this september. I'll post about the sailing too during the school year.

Overall this was a summer to remember. Post more next summer

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update!! Can't wait to see pictures of you sailing on the boat!!

    Love - Mary, John and Cole (and Fifi)
