Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Hello blog readers Yesterday my Dad got us the long awaited stand up paddle boards! They where AWESOME! For those of you who don’t know the stand up paddle boards are like surf boards but much wider and longer, and you go out before the breaking waves and stand up and paddle. I got to do it with dad and I only fell in twice my dad fell in five time (in his defense his board was much skinnier therefore harder to balance on). We also spent time bogie boarding and building sand sculptures (we turned Alaina into and octopus!). For dinner that night we went to the best pizza place ever called Primo’s pizza.

Today we all woke up at seven o’clock to drive to Jamestown. It was a daylong trip full of archaeological dig sites, skeletons, and reenactment colonists and Indians. The first thing we did was go on a tour of the dig site and looked at the museum of all the stuff they found (guns, armor, shoes, iron tools, ect.) THAT was cool. Then shortly after eating lunch we went to see the reenactment village and the fort (the dig site was the real one!).Then we caught a tour that led us from the reenactment village to the reenactment fort and finally to see life like sea worthy ships that were just like the ones they came here in! Then we went back and saw in detail the stuff we wanted to see all of them. My 2 favorite parts were the boats and watching the Indian shoot her bow and arrows traditionally. Overall we have been having a wonderful week.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you guys are having a good time!! Cole misses you guys and often asks us where "his kids" or "Ginny" are. It's very cute.

    Take care,
    Mary, John and Cole
