Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cape May

Playing in the water at Cape May.  Connor will update soon.-Mike

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Harriet Beecher Stowe house

Yesterday I went to the Harriet Beecher Stowe house, a house/museum dedicated to the family of Harriet Beecher Stowe. She wrote the anti-slavery novel "Uncle Toms Cabin" and was famous for teaching readers the wrongdoings of slavery, and being "The little woman that started the great war" in the eyes of Abraham Lincoln. I knew a lot of the facts about her political life through the book, but I did not know a lot about the basics in the time period or facts about her personal life. Like the fact that she was a painter, or that she met the queen. I enjoyed going and should hope to go back soon for the mark twain house.


extravaganza/ play

Sorry about not posting in a while. I have two main things to post about the last few days, I was in a production of treasure island and I had a karate demonstration at the Newington extravaganza.

First my play, I did it at my camp over two weeks and my part was of red dog a pirate who gets killed. It went pretty well considering there was only two weeks to practice and a Ton of lines (that not everybody practiced) The pictures are bellow, I think I look like Waldo (with a squirt gun) but everyone else says I look like a pirate.

My karate demo team preformed at the fair called the extravaganza we did well, and we went right after another karate school that was not very good, and that made us better to the audience by comparison we did pretty well anyways and I enjoyed myself.

post more soon


(P.S up next cape may)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Connor will eventually get to updating this...

Monday, July 16, 2012

my X-ray

Today I got my first X-ray ever on my ankle to check out a pain I was having in my heel area when I put weight on it. My family was worried that I might have torn my Achilles, so I went to get it checked out through a X-ray. It went very fast, I just laid down with my shoe off on a table and they adjusted it's angle so they could get pictures. The tests came up negative. The most likely thing is that I strained my achilles and I should just rest it and wear firm shoes.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

a lot of stuff

First off I would like to apologize for not posting in weeks I've had time but I've been lazy. I'm sorry, but know I'm back to posting I have a lot of ground to cover, since I left, my cousins have come I started camp and I went to Connecticon.

 The first order of business, my cousins. I had a lot of fun with my cousins when they came over. We didn't really go any where but grammies house and our house, but I had a lot of fun just hanging out, playing and talking with them. I miss them now that they are gone and I hope that we see them soon.

The second thing I have to talk about is my camp at my camp I picked a lot of different activities and I go around doing all of them as separate periods and classes. My subjects are board games archery baseball and acting. My favorite class is acting, in acting we work on the play we are preforming the play treasure island. I play an evil pirate named red dog. the rest of the classes I take were pretty straight forward, in board games we play board games, in archery we shoot bows and arrows etc.  

     The last thing I have to post about is Connecticon  a science fiction fantasy anime comic convention basically comic con but for people in Connecticut. I had a lot of fun here looking at comics  and peoples costumes, there was a lot of stuff I like, like Dr. who stuff, and lord of the rings merchandise. but I really loved some peoples costumes, there were people dressed like TARDIS's, elves, and super heroes. I loved being there and I want to go back next year.

more soon Connor        

Thursday, July 5, 2012

not much

The last few days I haven't been really doing much, but my cousins Nic, Devin, and Ian are coming today (I know we just left them). so hopefully I'll have something real to post soon.
Until then,


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bertha the 90 Year Old Ninja Hulk

In english class we had to make a vocabulary story. It could be about any thing you wanted it to be about, as long as you used 20 vocab words correctly. Mine has 30 words and I got an A+. It is called "Bertha the 90 Year Old Ninja Hulk"

Five or so years from now an evil tyrant called Fabio will take over the world with his scheme “ You Can’t Believe It’s Not Evil.” The indolent government, too lazy to read the fine print, approved this plan. This butter like substance will compel you to do the bidding of Fabio.  Only two people are immune… Bertha the ninety year old ninja, and a normal person named Bob.
   Fabio slapped Bob across the face; he could not fight back for he was strapped in a chair. Fabio walked back and forth in his underground cavern then said to Bob “ Why can I not envelope your brain.” “You’re stupid, boring and unkempt.”  Bob sheepishly looked away having been greatly insulted. Then Fabio grabbed his messy hair and made him look into his eyes, “If I cannot control you, I will have to kill you” and then he raised his club to beat him to death.
“CRASH” the window was smashed and in flew Bertha the ninety year old ninja. She landed with a barrel roll stood up and pointed her cane at Fabio saying, “I have come to put an end to your wrath.”  Fabio faltered and the turned away from Bob and said, “Come at me you crone, I am not a coward!” Bertha flexed her biceps and then transformed into a raging green hulk like monster. The prominent change gave Fabio the impulse to run away. The Monster screamed, “ I HAVE NO PEER IN COMBAT… BERTHA SMASH!”
            Fabio ran into a corner, and then laughed ominously “You probably wonder why I am full of mirth.” He said, “Well it’s because I am DEMON SPAWN!” and then Fabio transformed into a scaled winged beast that breathes minty fresh tooth paste. He pushed the senior citizen ninja hulk onto its haunches and blew tooth paste on top of it. Bertha-hulk-ninja said impudently “ You think you can beat me with mere dental hygiene, well you can’t” and then made an inarticulate roar.  “I will revel in destroying you Bertha,” screamed Fabio. Then they both charged for each other.
            Bob was incredulous to the affair, after a few moments of pondering he decided to think that the whole thing was a dream, because all of this was highly unlikely. While he was thinking, Bertha the ninja hulk threw Fabio in his general direction. He watched as Fabio flew through the wall of his cavern and into another room with a bitumen pit in the center of it.  Bertha stepped through the monster shaped hole in the wall and stood poised over Fabio’s twitching demon body. Bertha-ninja-hulk lifted him by his expensive dress shirt and said, “You can not evade defeat, Victory for Bertha the ninety year old ninja hulk and that idiot in the chair! I hex you! Your curse is that you will go bald very soon!”  Then she threw him into the pit of coal and was exultant as she watched him subside into the burning stones. Bertha transformed back into her normal form and gave Bob an amiable hug, “Thanks for playing bait sonny, come around any time for bingo and gluten free soft crackers. I had fun today; it was a nice little skirmish.” And then with a giant leap Bertha broke through the ceiling and off into the sunset. Only one problem, Bob was still stuck in the chair. He thought pensively for a few moments and then sighed full of melancholy.