Thursday, August 16, 2012

cape may

First off sorry for not posting in a couple of weeks I’ve just been lazy lately but I going to try to catch up through a few posts. This one summarizes Cape Mays high points.
My family left the house at eight o’ clock and drove up to cape may NJ to spend a week with our family friends the Muller’s. The drive didn’t take very long and we got there around 1:00 we spent the rest of the day at the beach just enjoying each other’s company.  That night we all sat together and started watching the lord of the rings movies. We watched all three within the week. Both my mom and Aidan got acupunctured. And  we all had a great time hanging out at the condo.
We went stand up paddling twice. You stand up paddle by standing on a wide surfboard with a long paddle and push your self around. We went around the harbor both times and got good up close view of a lot of sailboats. That was fun.
We went to the top of a giant life house and climbed all 199 steps and enjoyed the view. Only Maddy was afraid of heights but I was screaming on the inside.
  We also went on a dolphin watch on the thunder cat speedboat. That was Amazing! We found a pod of dolphins and the boat went over to them and then drove away fast. The dolphins (there must have been like thirty of them) all breached out of our wake, did flips and best of all they were only ten feet away and in their natural habitat. It was one of the coolest things I have ever seen in my entire life.
We spent a few hours at cold springs historic village witch was fun. My favorite part was a live debate between President Jackson and Henry Clay it was quite well done and they are both professional actors.
The final day we said good bye and took family pictures (with our newly bought bugle!) I will miss the Muller’s and will post more stuff soon.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Videos from the Dolphin watch.  It was pretty cool.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Connor is lame and hasn't been updating the blog because he is busy "enjoying" time with the Muellers...or he is just a big slacker.  Here are some videos of us stand up paddling.